Water Treatment
The Challenges Faced
Every year, over 2 million people die from diarrhoea because of unsafe water and sanitation facilities. Moreover, about a billion people in India have no access to an improved water source.
The lack of clean water also affects municipal wastewater treatment and industrial water treatment applications. The formation of H2S poses a problem for the treatment of municipal water and the unavailability of clean water hinders processes in several industrial water treatment applications.
Poor Quality Water

How it helps
- Staroxide chlorine dioxide tablets are the best way to tackle these challenges and get a fresh source of water at a cost-effective rate. It helps the areas with no availability of freshwater get access to a disinfection system in their own homes which allows them to create freshwater for household purposes.
- Staroxide is a powerful deodorising agent which treats municipal wastewater by destroying odour-causing pollutants. It performs better at a lower dosage than the other popular alternatives such as chlorine, hypochlorite, permanganate hydrogen peroxide or ozone.
- It is also used as a biocide in industrial water treatment facilities such as cooling towers, processed water and mill water. Its selective oxidative processes help achieve improved microbial performance at a lower dosage.

What makes us different

Powerful formulation
Staroxide kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria in seconds.

Easy to use
Staroxide does not need to be mixed and measured with different powders and liquids and can be used as it is.

Easy to store
Our chlorine dioxide formulation stays stable at room temperature and can be stored anywhere.

When added to water, Staroxide does not create chlorinated organic compounds such as Trihalomethane (THM), HAA, carcinogens or volatile organic compounds.

Staroxide is highly effective against biofilms and prevents them from reoccurring.

Cost-effective solution
Minimal transportation cost and no capital expenditure on dosing equipment makes Staroxide an economically friendly solution.

When used as per the recommended dosage, Staroxide is proven to be non-corrosive.
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